Health and wellbeing in Provence – looking to the future

Under normal circumstances, many of us would choose to visit a beautiful place like Provence to enjoy some rest and rejuvenation in order to improve our Health & Wellbeing. In the midst of today’s Coronavirus pandemic, health concerns are an order of magnitude more serious. Whilst travel plans for the immediate future have been put on hold, it’s important that we stay positive and look forward to the coming months when hopefully the Coronavirus epidemic will be behind us. Perhaps one positive to come out of this crisis will be that people take more time to look after what is really important… their health. And there is no reason why health and travel have to be separated.

Even prior to the Coronavirus outbreak authentic and wholesome experiences were replacing traditional holiday getaways. ABTA reported that more people than ever are seeking new ways to alleviate stress, reduce illness and boost wellbeing. We’re even acknowledging men’s…

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