Little Things I’m Doing to Keep My Sanity While Staying at Home

As soon as things started to escalate here in Brooklyn, and when my mood took a steep downward turn, I knew I was going to need to refocus my energy somewhere more positive. Something I’m sure a lot of us are feeling, too.

I know it’s been a weird time, living in lockdown or quarantine—for all of us. To help manage the anxiety and the stress from this bizarre situation, I’ve started taking certain steps to stay sane, while staying safe. Stuck at home and not sure how to cope, I’ve had to find creative ways to enjoy each day.

Like many of my friends, I’m taking it day by day. And by doing a lot of little things, each day is becoming more and more manageable, and, in fact, better.

Our lives have been upended, but thankfully it’s something
we’re all going through together. While the loneliness was difficult at first,
I’ve found other ways to maintain my meaningful connections. That’s helped.

Here are all the little things I’m…

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