5 dream Latin American trips to plan for 2021

With travel on hold over this difficult period, many of us are getting our travel fix by seeking inspiration for special trips to plan for a post-crisis 2021. As lovers of big adventures, we understand that the next best thing to going on a trip is at least planning the next one! Remote lodges in Latin America get booked up quickly (as much as a year in advance) and these long-haul holidays always require a bit of extra forethought. Here at Humboldt, we have compiled a list of our favourite ‘big-adventures’ in Latin America that we think you could plan well in advance for 2021.

Exploring the ‘End of the World’

There is something so effortlessly wild and romantic about Patagonia’s icy slopes and windswept steppes. Whether you’re a wildlife buff seeking a glance of an elusive puma in the wild, or a keen hiker looking to enjoy some of the most scenic walking routes in the world, Patagonia’s dramatic landscapes and the homely charm of…

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