The Reality of Working Remotely + 7 Tips for Working From Home

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Stopping by because you’re now working from home for the first time thanks to the COVID-19 coronavirus? Check out the realities of working remotely, and scroll further down for my top tips for staying productive when you’re working from home!

You’ve seen the photos – someone working on a laptop in a hammock, or on a beach, or on a hotel balcony with a killer view (yup, I’m guilty of this last one!).

You see these photos and assume that it’s not a lifestyle that you could have for yourself; this is surely the lifestyle of someone with more freedom and less responsibility than you.

But what if I told you that wasn’t necessarily true?

Twenty years ago, the concept of “remote work” wasn’t even really a thing. People went to an office or out into the…

Categories:   A Dangerous Business Travel Blog
