5 incredible hidden gems in New Zealand

Have you ever dreamt about being the one to discover that very rare thing, a site, a place, somewhere that you alone have found and can appreciate?

New Zealand can offer you a taste of undiscovered gems; hidden in this spectacularly beautiful country lies that prize. If you take the time to hike a trail, to cut a path through one of the lush green forests, observing the sunshine as it filters gently through the canopy, you will find that rare space. You can stand amongst the giants and breathe in the sweet forest air, knowing that you are the successful explorer.

As you follow a trail along the escarpment, with the sea below, golden sands stretching lazily in the sun, you will find a quiet spot, with no one in sight, and nothing but the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore. Take the time to find a hidden cove on the beach, or follow a crystal-clear stream to its source, hidden in ferns and soft clumps of moss. Here you will be the single…

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