Things To Do In Oradea, Romania For The Weekend

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Written by, Ingrid from Ingridzen Moments.

Oradea – a city in Romania known for its rich multicultural history, celebrated art-nouveau architecture, good restaurants, active nightlife, and world-renowned thermal spa resorts.

According to legend, the city was founded in 1092 by Ladislaus I, King of Hungary, who was buried in the city’s cathedral after his death.

The first historical attested documentation dates from 1113 when the city was mentioned in a chronicle of the benedictine monks from the monastery of Zobor. The city flourished and became an important center of pilgrimage in 1192 when the founder of the city, Kind Ladislaus I, was Sanctified by the Pope.

Since those times the city already had a multicultural background with several ethnicities living side by side: Hungarians, Slavs, Vlachs, Italians, Germans, and others.

By the Mongol invasion of 1241, Oradea was one of the most…

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