Listen to Mother Earth – A Luxury Travel Blog : A Luxury Travel Blog

Life has always held uncertainty at its core, but daily life as we know it has now come to a standstill. Humanity all over the world is facing an invisible but very real threat: SARS-COV-2, otherwise known as COVID-19. Businesses closed, public spaces empty, and only essential workers in fields like healthcare and supply chain remain active out of necessity. Aside from them, only those who are ill-informed and have a false sense of invincibility still roam the streets. This pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen before, is a serious matter. Mother Earth is very clearly telling humanity to sit still and take a breather.


Necessary changes like physical distancing will likely feel extreme at first, jarring you from the comforts of routine and a sense of normalcy. Sequestered at home, you may become physically, mentally, and spiritually restless. It is natural to feel anxious about the wellbeing of your family, friends, community, and the…

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