Planning for your 2020 halal holiday

Another new year is here. With the new year brings a new decade, and the opportunity to set new travel goals and additions to your bucket list. Though we’re only just starting a completely different chapter, one of the best ways to succeed at travel planning is by planning well in advance. We know what you may be thinking, the year has just begun, and you’re still getting over the holiday season and back into a routine. How can planning for your next halal holiday be a priority of yours right now? While you’re right, it isn’t a priority, but getting the basics done and dusted as early as you can plays a big part in achieving your overall goal. Especially when it comes to putting together the ultimate Muslim holiday with your family and friends.

So, what should you do as early as now? And what things can you keep off your list? We’ve listed down a few do’s to help you plan…

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