Travel Tech Review: AirPods Pro

We’re all a little addicted to our phones, no matter if we’re trying to stop looking at our phones so much (read this book). There’s no getting around it; our smartphones are just a natural extension of our bodies these days. I’ve tried to do all the things to limit my phone time for my own personal sanity, but it doesn’t really work. I’m still looking at my phone almost every hour of every day.

I know not everyone cares if they use their phone a lot, but I find it pretty addictive: all the apps, the social media, watching YouTube. Recently, I’ve even tried to improve my mood and my productivity by limiting my screen time.

But then I got a pair of the new Apple AirPods Pro.

I never owned the original AirPods, but was always fascinated by them (and all the funny stories about them). It’s hard to go a day living in NYC when you wouldn’t see someone wearing AirPods, and when Apple announced the new and updated version: the AirPods…

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