Things To Do In Zagreb – Zagreb Travel Blog

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Despite being the capital city of Croatia, Zagreb is often overlooked as a destination in its own right. Yet this city has remained at the forefront of history and culture in Croatia since medieval times. There is always something happening in Zagreb. Visitors will undoubtedly find enough things to do in Zagreb to keep them busy, ranging from elegant restaurants to fascinating museums.

We’ve been to Zagreb several times, including for the Advent in Zagreb festivities last Christmas. We agreed on this list of things to do in Zagreb, but it is by no means an exhaustive overview. Zagreb is the buzzing capital city of Croatia, yet unlike other capital cities, it’s not over-crowded or polluted.

Things To Do In Zagreb View

In Zagreb, you just can’t get lost. There are signs on every corner, leading the way to all of the biggest Zagreb attractions. Zagreb is like all famous European cities, in that it has museums,…

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