5 essential African safari tips

Going on safari in Africa can be an exciting, yet somehow scary experience the first time. It is the ultimate venture into the wild and unchartered territory of a less populated and less developed continent.  And of course, there is the wildlife to consider…

In order to make the most of your safari experience, we have come up with 5 ‘Top Tips’ for first time safari travellers.

1. Know the best time of year to go on safari

This safari tip is crucial, as the time of year largely determines the quality of wildlife viewing. Dry season in most of sub-Saharan Africa runs from roughly July until October, with some variations in weather patterns depending on the country. Shoulder seasons often provide a good balance between getting better rates, fewer crowds, and great wildlife sightings.  Make sure you check up to date weather patterns with a local guide or operator on the ground in the country you are visiting.

2. Pack only light neutral…

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