5 good reasons to choose the Ecuadorian Amazon

The Amazon rainforest has been in the news recently because of massive fires which have been destroying forest and killing the fauna living there. So how can we contribute to the conservation of nature and protect the way of life of the people who has been there for generations?

Rainforest- Napo Wildlife

Along the Amazon rainforest, there are some very interesting options for contributing to communities that have chosen to stop monoculture expansion and destruction caused by petroleum extractions. These communities have developed responsible tourism as a way to keep their traditions and to safeguard the forest.

So why should you choose Ecuadorian communities and the Ecuadorian rainforest?


Biodiversity is what the Amazon rainforest is all about. The sheer number of species is overwhelming. With over 2,000 different species of mammals and birds alone, the rainforest is a bonanza for any naturalist or anyone who just loves animals.  That is without mentioning…

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