8 Awesome Things to Do in Calgary, Alberta in Summer

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When it comes to the province of Alberta, Canada, chances are you know about its famous national parks, mountains, and incredible lakes. In fact, I’ve written a post featuring many of them!

But what do you know about its cities?

Chances are you don’t know a whole lot, because Alberta’s cities are criminally overlooked as simply being the places you fly in to/out of for trips to Banff and Jasper.

Calgary is overshadowed the most, I think, by Alberta’s national parks. It’s the largest city in Alberta, and yet most visitors completely breeze through it on their way to the mountains.

Well stop it, travelers of the world. Calgary is actually really cool, and a great city to spend a couple days in before you head to the national parks.

Calgary skyline
Calgary skyline
Pastries from Sidewalk Citizen in Calgary