An insider’s guide to Africa’s top 10 best-kept secrets

The truth is, anyone who has been on safari will tell you to go exactly where they went - because here is a fun little secret; everyone has an amazing time on safari. A lot of people therefore flock to the famous names to check them off a list, whilst casually glossing over some of the lesser-known and most spectacular experiences on the continent.

After travelling far and wide in Africa, I have compiled together my favourite pockets of true wilderness which hopefully might inspire you to get well and truly off that beaten tourist track on your next adventure.

1. Ruaha National Park, Tanzania

Ruaha is magnificent. Burnt red earth studded with towering, ancient baobabs —  you could go here simply to marvel at the raw and unruly landscapes. It just so happens though, that the wildlife here is seriously explosive.  It really does rival the game viewing in parks such as the famed Serengeti in the north, but with hardly any tourists. Ruaha…

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