5 Benefits to Hiring an Adventure Travel Guide

Indrahar Pass (left of the peak) in northern India
Indrahar Pass (left of the peak) in northern India

When it comes to adventure travel, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The many benefits of hiring a professional adventure travel guide can more than make up for the cost. 

In my early twenties, my greatest adventure during a summer backpacking in Europe was the actual city-hopping itself.

It wasn’t until seven years later, when I took a backpacking trip to Costa Rica, that I began incorporating adventure sports such as zip-lining, surfing, and jumping off waterfalls into my days.

Adventure travel became an even bigger theme as I planned my trip around the world.

I dreamed of trekking in the Himalaya, despite having only camped overnight in the woods a few times as a kid, and hiking to Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes.

Such adventures were well beyond my experience, comfort level, and tolerance for risk. Hiring a local guide made them achievable. 

Today, companies like 57hours are making it easier than ever to find…

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