Quito: when a hotel becomes the beating heart of a historic neighbourhood

Ecuador’s proud capital city of Quito has many attractions; its unforgettable backdrop of Andean peaks and misty volcanoes, its beautifully preserved historic centre with elaborate churches and cobbled squares – not to mention the opportunity to travel a little further out of town for the experience of standing with one foot on either side of the equator!  However, Quito can often be overlooked by travellers not fully aware of how much the city has to offer. Often travellers choose to spend just one night in the city as a hop-off point for visiting the Galapagos Islands. The owners of Illa Experience Hotel felt this was a great shame and wanted to make the difference. It was their passion for the city and their desire for visitors to spend longer there, interacting with its people and cultural traditions. That’s how they got inspired to open the hotel. Also a long-standing love affair with a very special community was the motivation to…

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