La Tasqueria de Javi Estevez: A Michelin-Starred Offal Restaurant in Madrid, Spain

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I’m lucky with restaurant reservations. No matter how popular a place is, I always seem to be “gifted” with a reservation. But this was the first time I’ve ever been gifted with a Michelin star.

When I made reservations at La Tasqueria de Javi Estevez a couple of months before our trip, I saw it as an interesting and unique restaurant that featured offal dishes like tripe, tongue, sweetbreads, and brain on its menu. But sometime between then and the day of our reservation, the 2019 Michelin Guide was released and lo and behold, La Tasqueria was awarded its first Michelin Star. It wasn’t just an offal restaurant anymore. It was a Michelin-starred offal restaurant, perhaps the only one of its kind in the world.

Offal isn’t as widely accepted as an ingredient, and in some cultures,…

Categories:   Will Fly for Food
