Minimalist Packing Tips for When You’re Hauling It All


‘Let your memory be your travel bag’ – Alexander Solzhenitsyn, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature

As a Soviet-era essayist wrongly imprisoned for the political content of his writing, Solzhenitsyn has a valuable opinion on travel: it’s not about the items you take with you or collect along your way.  

Put another way, the more you clutter your journey, the less you gain from it. As an avid traveler, I use minimalist packing tips to pare down the load I bear.

I won’t say I’ve never kicked myself after forgetting something specific, but I’ve never returned from a trip wishing I had brought more luggage.

To avoid any confusion, I need to point out that this is not a backpacking article. That is a totally different discussion.

But, if you’re interested in some packing tips to pare down your belongings when journeying by planes, trains, and automobiles, read on.  

Let’s dig into our packs and sort the must-haves from the better-left-behinds.

Ounces Matter:…

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