Stand25 Bisztró: Refined Traditional Hungarian Fare at Hold Street Market in Budapest, Hungary

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I know next to nothing about Hungarian food. I don’t think I’ve ever been to an Hungarian restaurant all my life and before this trip, I couldn’t even name a single Hungarian dish other than goulash or sausage.

Knowing so little about the cuisine, I didn’t really know where to begin when putting together our food itinerary for this trip. I read about classic comfort food like langos and kurtoskalacs which I happily added to our itinerary. I also learned where to find good examples of traditional fare like chicken paprikash with spatzle and Hungary’s national dish goulash. Dobos torte sounded good so I added that too.

Our itinerary was shaping up nicely, but nothing I had found at that point really stood out and got me excited about Hungarian food, until I found this place.


Categories:   Will Fly for Food
