Learn Macedonian: How To Say (?) In Macedonian

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Time to Learn Macedonian

North Macedonia is one of the least visited countries in the Balkan Peninsula, but as we mentioned in our previous posts, it’s a country that has a lot to offer.

Hence, it’s no surprise that the number of tourists visiting Macedonia is higher than ever. As the country’s tourism keeps developing, more locals nowadays speak English but it’s still useful to learn a few basic phrases in Macedonian.

The Macedonian language belongs to the Slavic language family, but it’s the only Slavic language that doesn’t use any grammatical cases.

This makes Macedonian distinct from all the other Slavic languages and also a bit harder to learn. Another fun fact is that Macedonians use the Cyrillic script, which most people refer to as “the Russian alphabet” but many don’t know that the first variation of this script was created on (then) Macedonian territory.


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