5 Andean cities for ‘living large’ in retirement

South America’s Andean region is capturing the attention of expatriates in search of a place to spend their retirement. Here, even moderate-income retirees can live in veritable luxury thanks to the region’s excellent medical care, temperate climate, improving safety indices, and, of course, the region’s low cost of living.

At the same time, high-speed internet and state-of-the-art international airports permit close contact with loved ones at home. We present to you here what we think are five Andean cities and towns that baby boomers might consider for actively enjoying their “golden years”.

1.Cuenca, Ecuador

Ecuador has remained somewhere near the top of International Living’s “Annual Global Retirement Index” for years. This year is not an exception, and there are good reasons for that.

For anyone who has excellent weather at the top of their list of personal requirements for a retirement destination, Ecuador is almost…

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