3 Important Things to Know Before You Go

Medellin, Colombia
Medellin (photo: Dave Lee)

Ah, visiting Colombia. A place of beautiful mountains. A place of happy people. A place of adventures. A place where you could lose yourself. (…This could be a good thing or a bad thing.)

Colombia is a country that has risen on the radar of many travelers because the situation in the country is much different than it was 20 years ago.

The armed conflict between the FARC fighters and the Colombian government has “officially” drawn to a close.

Infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar is long gone. And numerous areas of the country have become hot spots of tourism.

It doesn’t mean that everything is peachy, though, especially as the troubles of neighboring Venezuela have caused instability on the border and a massive influx of migrants fleeing into Colombia.

Colombia itself still has an edge to it in terms of safety, as Dave himself could attest, and so it is crucial to get a solid grasp on a few things before you go.

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