12 Of The Most Beautiful Castles In Bulgaria

Located in the east of the Balkan peninsula, on the shore of the Black Sea, Bulgaria was historically often the place where traders and travelers, armies and adventurers entered or left Europe.

It’s the definition of a crossroads country, a meeting place of East and West, North and South. In this post, we’ll pay a virtual visit to some of the most beautiful and historic castles in Bulgaria, remnants of a past of alternating wars and peace.

Bulgaria is also one of the oldest inhabited countries in Europe. This is where the Persians conquered Thracians and, later, by the Romans, who were subsequently defeated by the Byzantines.

Best Castles In Bulgaria - Remains Shumen Fortress Bulgaria
Remains of the Shumen Fortress, Bulgaria

Slavs moved in from the northwest, while Bulgars invaded from the northeast. Wars were fought between the Byzantines and the Bulgars. Even Mongols seized Bulgaria for a while.

Later still, this was a place where the Ottomans battled crusaders from Western Europe.

An incredibly long story short, Bulgaria was…

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