How to Prepare for Your Financial Future

Money is never a comfortable subject; especially so these days when it just seems so hard to simply save money. Expenses rack up, credit cards start piling up—and the urge to always be doing something is pretty strong. I know, for me, living in New York City where there’s just always something to do (or somewhere new eat), I’ve got this constant sense of FOMO (fear of missing out). I just want to do it all. And I don’t mind spending to do it.

That sentiment jives with recent trends for the tourism industry as well. We crave experiences over objects. But when trying new experiences, we’re often more than happy to shell out the cash to make it happen. 

While “living in the moment” is a perfectly acceptable way to enjoy life, it’s still also important to simultaneously prepare for the future. It’s something I’m continually worried about and increasingly focusing on….

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