Top Things To Do in Sofia | Bulgaria Travel Blog

Things To Do In Sofia -St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral in Sofia, Bulgaria


Written by several of the Chasing the Donkey writers

Over a century ago, Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria aimed to make Sofia a fashionable capital city to the likes of nearby cities, Budapest or Prague. Walking the locally renowned yellow-bricked-tree-lined road leading to the National Assembly building, you will get a good idea of his vision.

Fortunately, although perhaps the city hasn’t reached the fashionable potential Ferdinand had in mind with matching standards of other European capitals nearby, it has reached its own unique, passionate, and quirky potential to do with culture, tradition, and art and is thriving with its individual distinctiveness.

Some travelers swear this city to be the next Berlin because of its quirks, creative takes on culture, and the fact that the young generation has a tremendous impact on the city and what is happening within it. However, Sofia is on track to be whatever it wants to be, and there is no greater potential…

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