An Incredible Sahara Desert Tour in Morocco (Including Camel Trekking!)

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I was about a quarter of the way up the dune, my lungs burning and my boots slowly filling up with sand when I remembered something I always manage to forget: climbing sand dunes really sucks.

Standing at the bottom of a sand dune, it never really looks *that* high. You tell yourself you can easily climb it; that all those kickboxing classes surely have prepared you for this moment.

You start climbing, feeling good. But then you literally get “that sinking feeling” as you sink at least one step backward for every two you take forward; the top never seems to get any closer. 

But when you find yourself in the Sahara Desert just before sunset, you can’t NOT climb the dune.

Sahara Desert dunes

Climbing a golden sand dune for sunset was just one of the many highlights of my trip into…

Categories:   A Dangerous Business Travel Blog
