Romantic Things To Do in Montreal [2019]

Is it the omnipresence of French? The cobblestone streets so reminiscent of Europe? The abundance of dimly lit restaurants or the Canadians’ innate bonhomie? Right alongside Paris and Venice —two quintessentially sentimental nations that, incidentally, saw tens of thousands of its residents emigrate to Montreal over the centuries— there is little doubt that Montreal is one of the world’s leading romantic cities.

So on one hand, you have this deeply old-world-European-type of romance; on the other, you have a profoundly and well-documented sensualist society with a reputation that is not only well deserved but also historically accurate.

You see, Montreal was often referred to as ‘Sin City’ during the Prohibition era when thirsty Americans flooded the city’s cabarets —a convenient train ride from the dried-out Tri-State area— and to partake in the romantic, pleasure-driven lifestyle adopted by locals. While contraband and brothels are no longer commonplace, the…

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