9 Tips for Your Trip to Machu Picchu

Sunday, March 24, 2019

9 Tips for Your Trip to Machu Picchu

I went to Peru’s Machu Picchu and Sacred Valley with a dear friend of mine to celebrate the big 4-0. To mark this milestone birthday, I had a certain scenario in mind. After an absolutely punishing year that included a health scare, job loss, a move, the aftermath of a nasty breakup and a family tragedy, I imagined myself standing powerfully on top of Machu Picchu, where I’d throw my hands up in the air and shout: “Hey world, look at ME! I am a goddess! A superheroine! A doer of great things!” But then, something unexpected happened.

As I stood there nearly a mile and a half up in thin air, it became abundantly clear that this experience would be less about shouting at the world to pay attention to me and more about me paying much respect and attention to nature and Pachamama (the Inca’s Mother Earth).

Instead of shouting, I got quiet. I stood there tingling from the sly smack in the face nature had delivered. Before me were the hulking, lush…

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