Getting a Facial at the Heyday Skincare Spa


Before I had my first facial, I honestly had no clue what to expect. I’ve seen facials listed on every spa men I’ve ever been to, and while I do care about my skincare regimen, I honestly never wanted to choose the facial when at the spa. What would they say about my skincare routine? Would it hurt? Would it even help?

Well, I let those worries and lack of information keep me from ever even trying a facial. That is until recently, when I was invited by Harrys to try their newest mens grooming product, a Detoxifying Face Mask. They partnered with Heyday Skincare—a surprisingly popular shop & spa with six locations across NYC and LA. 

Always curious, but also needlessly anxious—I simply just avoided facials. At home, I use a toner, moisturizer, the occasional face mask, and whatever free samples of skincare products I can find…but truthfully I never really know what I’m doing. Why doesn’t anyone ever teach us these kinds of life skills?!

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