StepMap – An Easy Tool To Create Individual Maps For Your Website, Blog Or Photo Book
I havent talked much about my life before I was a travel blogger, so let’s back up a bit today. I used to work as a graphic and screen designers and some of main tasks were designing web
interfaces. More than a decade ago I worked for a start-up called StepMap. Back then it was still all in the “pre-launch” state, meaning that there was no website but just a general idea of
how the product and features might look like. Part of my job was to come up with design drafts.
Shortly after the launch of their website I decided to start travelling. The rest is history as long-time followers of my site know. Interestingly, StepMap now approaches their 10-year anniversary and their core product is a Map Editor that allows anyone who loves to travel to
create their own and customized Map.
Similar to how Jimdo lets you setup your own Blog, StepMap gives you a powerful Map Editing tool. So regardless of whether you plan your next trip and…
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