How (and Why) I Redesigned Indie Traveller • Indie Traveller

If you’re a regular visitor to my blog, then you might have just noticed something different: I have a brand new site design!

It’s been in development for many months now, so I’m stoked to finally have it live. After more than 5 years of blogging, it felt time to ditch the standard template I was using and finally move to a completely custom design.

This wasn’t just about giving the blog a nicer look. It was also an opportunity to restructure the blog and decide where I want to take it next.

In this post, I’ll talk a bit about the redesign process, as well as share with you my goals for Indie Traveller.

Restructuring the blog

I have to confess I’ve long been a bit frustrated with how blogs work these days. This new design is an effort to address at least some of my frustrations.

What do I mean? Well, most traffic comes from search engines nowadays, which eventually causes bloggers like myself to optimize the content and site structure almost entirely for search engine…

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