6 of the best Alpine views

The ski industry, as we know it, wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the mountains. That is a blinding obvious statement to make, of course. But isn’t it pretty amazing that the thing we love to do is carried out in such an awe inspiring environment. The majesty of the Alps are, without doubt, one of the reasons why the ski industry thrives and will continue to do so while ever there is snow to ski. Millions of skiers have stopped, mid piste, and stood completely motionless in silence and been left speechless by the utter jaw-dropping and staggering beauty of the panorama that surrounds them. I’ve done it myself countless times. It makes the soul sing. The pristine, glistening diamond white snow, the vastness of the landscape that can leave you feeling insignificant, humbled by the scale of the towering edifices that have stood for millennia. Sometimes it’s all too much and makes me break out the widest Cheshire Cat grin. It’s moments like…

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