Easter escapes in Africa – A Luxury Travel Blog : A Luxury Travel Blog

In the dark, dreary months of February, nothing beats anticipating warmer days and having an adventure to look forward to. The Easter holidays beckon, and with them all manner of opportunities for exploring Africa with your family. The rains will be falling in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, so if it’s a safari you are looking for, it’s an excellent time of year to head further south and west. The following destinations enjoy good weather in April, and tend not to be too busy.


The more water there is in a waterfall, the more impressive it will be. It makes perfect sense. In April, the Zambezi River is in full spate due to the rains, and the river comes crashing down at Victoria Falls with a thundering roar and billowing clouds of mist.

Victoria Falls marks the natural border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Kolo tribe who live in the area call it The Smoke That Thunders, which is an apt moniker as it captures both the sound and the…

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