Discovering the Amazon in Peru

Our world tour of 15 countries in 10 months included 52 flights one of which was from Cusco to Puerto Maldonado to be met by our driver and transferred to the banks of the golden brown Madre de Dios River. We boarded a long-tailed boat for a 45 minute journey deep into the rainforest to arrive at an eco-luxury lodge on the river with 35 wooden cabanas inspired by the Ese’Eja culture.

Our first trek on foot ended on the bank of a secluded creek where a strategically placed wooden kayak had been left, large enough for our party of five plus the guide so we spent a glorious half an hour slowly manoeuvring our way down the shallow creek. With the jungle soaring above us we were accompanied by butterflies in their thousands of every conceivable colour, some landing on our boat and some on us for a free ride downstream, scarcely a word was spoken.

We entered a small lagoon and met the most bizarre creature; think highly colourful exotic flying turkey…

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