5 top tips for ski touring etiquette

Ski touring – be it on skis or a split board – is a whole new world of fun and adventure, and with it comes it`s own set of unspoken rules and courtesies. Here are 5 good to know tips on how to conduct oneself in the backcountry, subsequently setting us up – and indeed those around us – for an enjoyable day ahead.

1. Give way on the up

If someone is keeping a faster pace than you on the skin track, step off of it completely and allow them to pass. That goes for any other reason you may have stopped – such as delayering, grabbing a snack or using a device. Bottom line is, don`t stop on the track and force people to go around you, but rather come off of it until you are ready to resume or are not holding someone else at a slower pace than yourself.

2. Don`t snake lines

While we`re on the topic, if someone has created a skin track that you are using and they are still within eye sight, do not snake the line that they are clearly intending…

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