A Machu Picchu Tour with G Adventures

Dave and G Adventures guide
Dave and his G Adventures guide

In January 2018, I had the fortunate opportunity to go on an all-expense paid Machu Picchu tour with G Adventures I’d won courtesy of National Geographic at an event to promote study abroad

Long-time readers may recall I first visited Machu Picchu in 2011 when I did the 4-day Salkantay trek

The whole experience was terrific, from the high-altitude trekking in the shadow of snow-capped mountains to trudging for an hour up the stairs to the entrance of Machu Picchu in the pre-dawn hours. 

I was one of the first visitors in the gates that morning, jogging in with another traveler to quickly snap a few photos before the busloads of tourists began to arrive.

When I won the tour, I briefly considered whether to accept it. Would I appreciate Machu Picchu as much the second time around? Was it worth the time and energy to travel back to Peru? 

Spoiler: hell yes! 

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