A Spring family holiday in Provence

With the Christmas holidays finished and the children back to school you might be breathing a sigh of relief and looking forward to a little bit of downtime! Not for long however… the school holidays keep on coming with February half term just around the corner, quickly followed by Easter and then May half term!

Rather than leaving planning a Spring family holiday that will keep everyone happy and fully occupied until the last minute, it might be worth getting a jump start and organising your trip now. You’ll then be able to fully relax knowing that come a few weeks’ time there will be no last minute (and expensive!) dash to book ferries, flights and accommodation!

So, where to go? Simple… Provence! Great weather, good food, easy to get to and lots to do… it really is the perfect family holiday destination. To give you a flavour of what’s on offer I’ve listed ten top family activities (in no particular order) that will keep everyone…

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