Top 5 hot tubs in the Alps

Man’s relationship with the health giving properties of water is as old as the hills. Many town’s and cities in Europe have risen to prominence because of the natural springs and spa’s they developed around. The Roman’s built bath houses in many of these town’s and cities to facilitate the use of the healing properties thought to have been contained in the waters and to luxuriate and relax in social groups. When the Roman’s left and locked the door behind them, bathing went out of fashion, the medieval church tried to close down the public baths and what was once considered to be the height of civilisation was now considered the work of the devil himself. It was widely believed that the bath houses were the cause of disease and illness and certainly not the cure. By the 18th century we’d come full circle, the wealthy flocked to the spa resorts around Europe and the pastime became respectable once more.

It doesn’t take a great leap…

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