10 Common Travel Scams and How to Avoid Them • Ordinary Traveler

Travel truly is a beautiful thing. When you travel, you meet amazing, kind-hearted people who will bend over backwards to help you on your journey, you experience new cultures and alternative ways of life, and you develop an appreciation for history. However, despite all the good, every now and then you meet some people just looking to make a buck off you.

Let’s face it, nobody wants to think about all the ways they could possibly be scammed before they head out on a trip, but being prepared and aware of the most common travel scams could save you a lot of money and a huge headache.

10 Common Travel Scams and How to Avoid Them


Common Travel Scams and How to Avoid Them


Fraudulent Currency Exchanges

It always begins the same way — you arrive in a new destination knowing that one of the first things you’ll do is exchange your currency, and then someone comes up to you saying they know the most cost-efficient place to do so. Then, that person either gives you counterfeit bills, or demands a hefty exchange…

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