Would an “airline for millennials” work? Turns out the answer is no.

Air France has confirmed that it will be completely shutting down its subsidiary brand Joon and merging all of the aircraft and staff back into their mainline fleet. The millennial-centric “lifestyle brand” airline didn’t last all that long; it only began operations in 2017.

An experiment that won’t be missed

I really dislike anything that is targeted specifically at millennials. Air France missed the mark on this one, as it has pretty much been a marketing flop from the outset. The parent airline has specifically stated that Joon was *not* a low cost carrier, which is a bit of a problem, as the average income of my age bracket really isn’t all that high. And its still true that most passengers care about price most when it comes to air travel.

Air France openly admits that the brand was “difficult to understand from the outset” by potential customers. Chalk this one up to a lousy idea concocted by people completely unconnected from the market segment they were trying…

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