Get a Taste of Burmese Cuisine and Culture with A Chef’s Tour

This was my first trip ever to Myanmar. It was my third new country in 2018 but unlike the previous two, I had little time to do research. I’ve become an overplanner in my middle age and can’t remember the last time I went into a new country or city knowing so little about it. It was a little frightening but exciting at the same time. I’m sure you know the feeling.

Knowing so little about Yangon and Burmese culture, I didn’t know what to expect when it came to the food. The only experience I had with Burmese cuisine was in Chiang Mai in Novemeber of 2017. The two countries share a border so Burmese food is quite common in Northern Thailand. Ren and I went on a Chiang Mai food tour with A Chef’s Tour and our guide Moui took us to this great little restaurant serving what she described as authentic Burmese Shan cuisine. We had a pair of leaf salads and a chili dip served with crunchy fresh vegetables. It was all very good, and interesting too.

That promising experience in…

Categories:   Will Fly for Food
