The Ultimate Guide To Find Cheap One Way Flights

The cost to fly internationally has gone down consistently for over 3 decades. However, airlines are making more money than ever.


Because people are dumb.

Sorry, it’s true. But it’s not your fault. You just haven’t been educated in the ways of booking super cheap one-way flights.

The first thing to know is there is no silver bullet and there’s a lot of myths which need to be ignored. Airlines use very advanced algorithms to establish prices and run promotions based on the time of the year, passenger demand, weather conditions, major events, time of day, competitor fares, and much more. Why? To make more money – put more bums on seats, at the highest possible price per bum. Simple.

So, I’m here to help you. Follow my rules (and know when to break the rules) and you’ll be laughing all the way to Fiji, or wherever you want to go. Remember, the more money you save on flights, the more spending money at your destination!

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