A bite into Greek Winter desserts for your sweet tooth

Well into the holiday months, we all want to sit around the table with our loved ones, enjoy meals and endless conversations about everything. It seems like all families are waiting for the desserts to be dropped on to the table along with the coffee, the hot chocolate and tea to sip on while taking small, tasty bites into the savory sweets. Let’s not forget about all the comments on how delicious they are and praising the chef, who is usually the mom, on her cooking skills. Then come the questions, on what are the secret ingredients or tips and Greeks love to share their successes with the world and they spill the beans on the table.

Winter is a wonderful season for yummy treats and the Greeks know how to do them. Some sweeter than others, you can find desserts for all tastes!


One of the most traditional sweets for a Greek family to make over the Christmas Holiday season. Looking like snowballs, these almond butter cookies will…

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