7 reasons you should send Christmas cards this year

‘Tis the season!

SPONSORED — Do you remember those days when the cards start arriving in the mailbox? Red, white, green, yellow envelopes. Long letters, printed photos, and short greetings. Reminders from relatives and friends you haven’t seen in years. The thrill of opening envelopes, skim-reading messages, and placing photos on the mantle.

Millennials are often blamed for the end of everything, but we’re also simultaneously responsible for bringing back a lot  of’90s nostalgia. And I’m here to say: let’s bring back Christmas cards!

One statistic I found online says that over 2 billion Christmas cards are sent each December in the USA alone. Other stats include the fact that people send on average 20 holiday cards during the season. Any anyone with a new family is guaranteed to send out more than a few photos to anyone and everyone. But personally I’ve noticed fewer cards in my mailbox.

Instead, a lot of us write social media round-ups at the…

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