How To Prevent Troublesome Traveller’s Diarrhea

Prevent Traveller’s Diarrhea

Quick Guide To What’s Inside

For someone who has IBS, traveling can be a worrying thing. Yes, I want to see the world, but no, I do not want my trip ruined by a flare-up. The problem is, many of the things we’re supposed to enjoy when we’re moving around the world, e.g., eating local foods, can actually be the flare-up culprit.

The good news is, there are several things you can do to help avoid either an IBS flare up on the road or a general bout of good old traveller’s diarrhea.

Preparation is essential, and planning also helps avoid rather embarrassing and upsetting episodes. Let’s face it, a bout of diarrhoea is no fun even when you’re at home, but when you’re in unknown surroundings, you’re not sure of where the bathrooms are, and toilet hygiene is questionable at best, you’re looking at a situation which could damage your travel experience and leave a rather nasty memory in your mind.
So, how can you avoid traveller’s diarrhea, whether you’re prone to…

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