November 2018 Travel and Blogging Recap

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November has come and gone, and we’re officially in holiday mode here in the US. I unashamedly love this time of year, and am actually really happy to be spending it at home instead of traveling. Cue lots of evenings spent with festive candles burning and our electric fireplace flickering – and now that it’s December, it’s acceptable to start binging allllll the holiday movies on the Hallmark channel.

I didn’t do much travel in November, but let’s take a look back at the month anyway.

November: The month in travel

Sorry guys; not much travel to speak of in November!

  • Countries visited: 0
  • Cities visited: 0
  • Flights taken: 0

The most epic thing I did: I went a little crazy with Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping and bought a new camera, a drone, AND booked myself…

Categories:   A Dangerous Business Travel Blog
