Getting Health Insurance in Mexico as an Expat & Costs

Getting health insurance in Mexico as an expat is a relatively easy straight-forward process. Unlike registering a car, getting a driver’s license, and opening a bank account – this is one of the big “expat” things to do here that does not require residency. I’m going to share how I, as a resident of Mexico got health insurance in Mexico as an expat from the USA and my boyfriend, a non-resident of Mexico, who is from the UK.

While getting the national Mexican Social Security Institute insurance (IMSS) would require residency, we have been told by various Mexican friends that anyone here who can afford private insurance should get it – this is due to lack of great government hospitals and a long wait time. You’ll have more chance of an English-speaking doctor at a private hospital than a government one. If you are a resident and you only want the Mexican health insurance that’s an option for you. For us, we wanted to make sure we were covered at all the 5-star…

Categories:   Hippie In Heels
