The Best Place to See the Elusive Leopard in Sri Lanka

I was in Sri Lanka recently to attend TBC Asia 2018, a tourism conference that connected industry professionals with travel bloggers and social media influencers from around the globe. Before the day of the conference, all sixty bloggers and influencers were sent on a 5-day press trip to different parts of the country. We were given a choice of four tours – central, south, north central, or east. I chose the south tour, all because of this safari.

I didn’t know this at the time but Yala National Park is home to one of the highest if not the highest concentration of leopards in the wild. It’s also home to mega fauna like elephants, wild buffalo, and sloth bears, as well as a slew of bird species and smaller mammals and reptiles.

I’m an animal lover and it’s been a dream of mine to go on safari in Africa, so for me, choosing this tour was an easy decision to make.

Yala National Park is the most visited and second largest protected park in Sri Lanka. It consists of five…

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