The Best Things to Do in Winnipeg, Manitoba

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When most people think about Canadian cities to visit on their travels, they think of the “big ones”: Vancouver and Toronto and Montreal. Maybe Quebec City gets thrown in, or the country’s capital city of Ottawa.

But do you know which cities often get overlooked and left out? The cities in central Canada. Cities like Winnipeg.

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Winnipeg – the capital of the province of Manitoba – isn’t exactly a small town. It’s been an important trading post since long before any Europeans arrived in North America, and was incorporated as a city in 1873. Today, Winnipeg is a city of more than 700,000 people.

I’d been to Winnipeg once before, but I visited in the dead of winter when temperatures were well below zero and the wind was howling. Needless to say, I didn’t get to…

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