Australian Prepaid Travel Card With Zero Fees?

There’s only one thing worse than flushing money down the drain…

And that is giving to a bank. Or lawyer.

Ok, that makes two things. But you get my drift.

Death by a thousand cuts was a form of torture in China for 1000 years before it was banned in 1905. Unfortunately, most banks didn’t receive the memo and still enjoy torturing customers today with fees for every action under the sun. Just for the privilege of using their own hard-earned money.

And as a lover of travel, the most repugnant of all fees, I dare say the king of bank fees, is the horrible foreign currency conversion fee.

Ugh, my fingers feel dirty just typing those words.

It’s such a slimy fee that attaches itself to every transaction with a merchant that originates outside your country. And with the convenience of the Internet, chances are more and more of your transactions are occurring offshore.

So, what can you do about it?

Up until recently, not much. I’ve seen a couple Australian debit or…

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